02 Jun 5 Sense-ible Tricks to Getting Your Direct Mail Read
In the modern world that we live in, most consumers get constantly bombarded with sensory and visual information through online platforms.
It can be tricky to design engaging direct mail in this landscape that will catch the reader’s attention as those online ads do.
However, 75% of people who receive direct mail can recall the brands easily, as opposed to only 44% of brand recall with digital advertisements. Direct mail can be an excellent tool for your company to use!
Make your company’s direct mail stand out by appealing to consumers’ 5 senses! It’s a creative and effective way to make your print materials memorable.
1. SightÂ
Visually appealing mail will automatically intrigue your customers.
Use eye-catching designs like foil, metallic features, shimmery ink, lamination/different varnishes, and more options to captivate anyone who opens your mail.
Another idea you could try is incorporating a 3-D pop-up feature or a peek-a-boo flap into your design. Ensuring your direct mail is visually intriguing will lead your customers to check out the message and spend more time with it.
2. TouchÂ
Focusing on the customers’ sense of touch can be essential to making a memorable direct mail.
Consider using embellishments like debossing or embossing (raising or imprinting letters or your logo) or using textured paper to create a sensory experience for your customers.
You could also include small token gifts, like pens or stickers with your company name or logo! Tangible items will cater to recipients’ sense of touch and make them more likely to reach out in the future!
3. Smell
Research shows that there is a powerful connection between scent and memory.
So why not try including a scented element in your direct mail to help consumers remember your brand?
You could use lightly scented stationery or create a scratch-and-sniff feature on your mail that relates to your product. Or get more creative and include a free air freshener branded with your company name and logo!
4. Sound
Appealing to your recipients’ sense of sound with direct mail requires creativity, but it will undoubtedly make your mail piece memorable!
You could print a QR code or include a link on your direct mail design to lead customers to a site with a specialized video ready to play. Another idea is to feature familiar lyrics from your company jingle in the text of your mail to trigger their memory of the song.
5. Taste
Although you are most likely unable to include something recipients can taste in your direct mail physically, you can still give them a ‘sample’!
Include a tear-off coupon for a free sample of your product if they visit your store, or list a coupon code in the mail that they can use online for a free trial.
By engaging all five senses, you can create a direct mail campaign to make a memorable impact and drive meaningful interactions with your brand.
Contact us today to incorporate visual appeal, tactile elements, scents, sounds, and even taste-related offers in your next campaign!